miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

hey wake up Is Shaking!

I had arrived the day before and iI was sleeping in my home. I feelt the movement, first very slowly and i say: "well, it's shaking, but it will end soon, i haven't worry, i prefer to continue sleeping in my bed" i was tired from my trip, and i missed my bed ... after that a severe movement wake up to me and my family, we ran through the house and we put under the door. I could see how the light poles burst in the streets and how the car of my brother swing. I embrace my brother and my mom untill it stopped the earthquake. One hour later, my sister come to visit us, she was very nervous because live with his husband  in a float. We stayed up all the night listening Biobio radio... That day i call to all my friends... a week later the light came back. Well, One thing I learned and my family too, is that we should sleep in pajamas and no with underwear, because all the neighbors we saw xD...

2 comentarios:

  1. :O Do you arrive just for the Earthquake hahahaha.Like a good geographer.

  2. You have bad luky...the same yessenia, you arrive just for the erthquake....
    nerd!!!!! jajajajajajajaja (is a joke)

